Carol Smith, Secretary/Treasurer
Carol was born and raised in Philadelphia, PA. At the age of 19, she transferred from Temple University to attend Arizona State University. Carol graduated from Arizona State University with degrees in both Special Education and Elementary Education. In 2010, she retired from Mesa Public Schools, where she taught for 32 years. Carol’s two daughters and three grandchildren live in Mesa, while her son resides in Anchorage, Alaska. Nine years ago, Carol and her husband Ron moved from Mesa to Lander.
Carol has been Event Lead for Relay for Life of Mesa, Arizona, and Fremont County, Wyoming, and is currently the coordinator for Road to Recovery, driving cancer patients to their appointments. As COVID hit, Carol put together a cadre of volunteers to shop for and deliver groceries. This became a part-time job where she is now the delivery coordinator. Carol serves on the Board of Directors of the Child Developmental Services of Fremont County and Sinks Canyon Wild.